Sunday, March 6, 2011


A. What is installation art?

Installation art is art that is placed or arrange in a certain way by the artist. It can be sit specific or not and it can be permanent and temporary.

B. What materials are used installation art?

The materials are determined by the artist. They can really consist of anything and everything the artist desires. They can be abstract or everyday items.

C. Why make installation art? 

Just like all art, installation art is created to express the ideas of the artist. It is a way to give artists a chance to show their work in a specific and unique way. It can be simple or difficult. It also gives veiwers a way to experience the piece in a different way than just looking. They can experience it by walking around or through it. It gives two dimensional art a three dimensional quality.

Art Criticism: Describing and Analyzing Artwork Worksheet

Artist: Melissa Kelly
Title of work: Stuck
Media: Installation - Photograph
Date: March 6, 2011
Size: life size
Source of picture (URL)

1.   Be receptive - Keep an open mind.  Look for what is good.  No put-downs allowed.

2.   Description – Describe what you see.  (subject matter)?
The installation is a car, with snow on and around it. It is dark out and it is taken on a street. There is a shovel, a pair of gloves and boots, a coat, and a hat on the car.
3.   Formal analysis – (form)  What principles and elements were used and how are they used?

Color is used because the bright snow and dark sky gives the viewer a sense of cold, brisk air. Texture is used because the snow and footprints in it looks like people have walked through it to try to get the car “unstuck.” There is also emphasis on the snow. Everything else is a dark color and the snow is so bright, which is what the viewer then focuses on.

A. From the material reviewed, is there a inspiration piece that I feel a connection with?

As state above, I really liked the Firefly in the Water, but I also liked the installations that were simple and to the point. I liked the examples that used everyday items and were site specific.

B. What theme do I want to explore in my installation? Refer to your textbook if you need to review Themes of Art. (chapter 3 in text)
(Nature, Environment, Self, Mass Media, Consumerism, etc.)

I actually used two themes in my installation, nature and environment. The snow made it a part of nature, but the situation and placeing and use of everyday items made it a part of its own environment because it was very realistic.

C. What materials will I use?

I will use a car and snow. I will also use the street, a hat, gloves, boots, a coat, and a shovel.

D. Where will this installation be located and why?

It will be located on a street and in the dark, in the winter. This makes the installation realistic and site specific. These elements allow the viewers to feel the cold, brisk state that the picture was taken in.

Site specific installations, I beleive, take a lot more thought and planning to create than others. Artists must figure out all the differrent obstacles they may run into before they can even start creating it. They must be able to overcome these obstacles as well. It may be a little more work, but I believe it is worth it. It puts it over the top for veiwers and allows them to see the installtion exactly how the artist sees it and planned it to be.

D. Which artist/installation did I find most interesting?

The example I found most interesting was from the book, Fireflies in the Water by Yayoi Kusama. This installation is very unique and it makes me wonder how it was done. Also if you take yourself out of the real world for a second and enter the piece, it makes you feel like your surrounded by fireflies. It gives you a sense of imagination and creativity. I think it is a beautiful piece.

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