Saturday, March 19, 2011

Video Review

More Human Than Human
This video was a lot about how sculpture of the human form dont exactly resemble a real human being. They go into the 25,000 year old statue, Venus of Willendorf. This statue had many distorted body parts, such as the breasts, hips, and genitalia. They compared that to the French Venus of Grimaldi and the Moravany Venus of Slovakia and they all were similiar in that matter. The video then goes to talk about how changes in weather, lifestyle, and other factors affected how human beeings were being portrayed. They also came to the conclusion that there were differences found in cultures such as Egypt and Greece. What I found most interesting is that modern day portrayals of the human form is based on what people and society pictures as "important." I believe that and I agree totally. It goes along with music videos and magazines and things in everyday life. That is why I enjoyed watching this because it was interesting how I could relate the video to real life.

Cairo Museum
 I chose this video just based on the name. I like museums and enjoy seeing historical things, so I wanted to see what this museum had to offer.  The video was all about the world reknowned museum in Egypt and discussed and showed different artifacts it holds. It has a huge collection and draws viewers from all over the world. What I found most interesting was all about the mummies. I have never seen or even knew about mummies really until watching this. It gave a lot extra that I didnt get to read in the book. Also I enjoyed seeing about King Tut's jewels and the artifcats from the queens thrown. SOme were really beautiful.

The Greek Awakening
I chose this video because I read the descriptions of all of the videos on the list and thought it interested me the most. It went along with the book, so it gave a picture to some of the things we read about. It started with the changes that took place in the 5tyh and 6th centuries in Greece. Many of these changes are what led to beautiful buildings that were built and either are stilkl standing or have artifacts today for us to see. The video talks about how the city went from wood to marble. In my opinion, marble is so much prettierand is the reason why some of these things are so important and famous today, such as the Parthenon. Although some things got ruined due to pollution and other factors, the video showed how some were preserved and restored and are now in museums. What I thought was most interesting was how the sculptures and artifacts were able to tell stories about what the Greeks believed in, especially the gods. I loved learning about all the gods in highschool so I really enjoy when I can add on to that and see scultures and art from that time.

The Measure of all Things: Greek Art and the Human Form
I chose this video because, like I said earlier, I enjoy learning about Greece and seeing art from years and years ago. The video disscusses how the artists were/are obssesed with the human boday. The Greeks though changed from an abstract form to a more realistic form of the body. This was something we read about in the book, and it reminded me of Roman potraitures. It showed how the cultures influenced eachother. The video also talked about cycladic sculptures and how they were a more abstract style, how sculptures in the 6th century moved from the Egyptian style to realism, espcially in the human body. People believe it was a turning point in Western art and began a revolution. The part I found most interesting was the part about the Olympic Games. Its interesting how it came from just one game, mens sprinting. I never knew athletes competed naked. I liked how the video compared the games to art.

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