Saturday, April 23, 2011

video blog

Andy Warhol
 I chose this video because when I was younger in like 2nd grade I had to do a project just like the campbells soup painting, but mine was with pringles cans. I learned a little about him and thought it would be interesting to watch a video on him. The video goes through Warhols life and also the movement of pop art. It starts with his interest in Marylin Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. After her death, he used Marylins motif of her face and reproduce it using silk screening. The video then shows how silk screening is done. Warhol evolved from just using silk screening but began used paint on his silk screened images. He was also known for being a journalist. The video also highlight his famous work, Ten Lizes. My favorite part was learning how he was interested in Monroe and Taylor, because I too am interested in them.

Sculpture of Space
This video I chose because when i opened the link up it looked interesting. I think sculpture are the most interesting form of art so I wanted to learn about it more. The video basically goes through the life/career of Isamu Noguchi. He is a sculptor and focuses on gardens and has worked all over the world. What I found most interesting was to find out about his poverty. This shows he had determination and never gave up. His career in America really started when he was asked to redesign Miamis's Bayfront Park. H ran into obstacles, but he used them to his advantage to really plan out his work. His work is really interesting to look at especially his water sculpture. The video ends with friends of the artist discussing his work and life.

Henri Moore
I chose the video on Moore because he is a modern artist and I like to learn about modern art or things that I could relate to. The video really brings his career to life. It basically brings attention to his different works from drawings to graphics to monuments. It starts with giving an overview of his childhood, from what inspired him to his talent at drawing. Later on this helped him because he used his drawings to to generate ideas for sculptures. It ends with how he has influenced others over the years. What I found interesting were the drawing he made of his own hands. I was able to relate to that because of the project we did earlier in the semester.

Abstract Impressionism and Pop Art
I chose this video because I like pop art and I wanted to expand what we had read inb the chapters this week. The video goes through the two eras of art  during the 1950's - 1960's. Starting with Impressionism, the video explains the movements and the differetn artists who made an impact of during the era, such as Franz Kline, Helen Frankenthaler, and Jasper John, who we read about in the book. Jasper John I found most interesting because I remember reading about him and thinking that his art is simple yet interesting and I like that he used everyday objects. The video then turns to Pop art and Andy Warhol, the leader of the era. It also talks about Roy Lichtenson as well.

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