Friday, April 29, 2011

video blog

This is the second time I had to write this because I pubplished it and it all was erased for some reason. :(

The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art
This video was all about the Lowbrow, also known as pop surrealism. The era was influenced by different things in pop culture at the time, such as rock and rool and comic books. The video is basically about interviewing curators and explaining what lowbrow was, how it started and what it meant to the artists and curators. It contained information on how it adapted from surrealism and how women were introduced as well. It also went throught the different phases and artists of the time. I found most interesting was the part about how it was percieved in the music industry through punk rock and how artists used cd and album covers to display their work. It really didnt have much to do with my project though.

George Eastman House: Picture Perfect
THis video I found interesting because I never knew how close George Eastman lived to Buffalo and knowin that the museum is right in Rochester, its only a short drive if I ever wanted to go visit it. The video starts by talking about the house and the contributions the he and Kodak has made to the photography world. It explains how he was the first to invent an affordable camera and how that was like a revolution for the time. I found it most interesting that the video showed the different rooms of the house and how there were pianos in still working condition and everything aftert all these years.I  also hound it interesting that the George Eastman house contains about 5,00 cameras!

Tate Approach
 I thought this video was a good video to watch while having to do project four. Although for the project we do not have to place art on display, it is really interesting to think about how I would actually go about doing this and if I would use the Tate Modern approach for my exhibit.The video starts by talking about the Museum for Modern Art and how the art was displayed in chronological order and by era. It then talks about how the Tate approch was something different and was displayed int themes. I found it most interesting that the 4 themes were history, nude, landscape and still life. I didnt get to finish the movie because it kept freezing at the end.

Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology
I found this video the most interesting. It was different than the other three videos in that it was more scientific and instead of art such as paintings and photographs, it was artifacts and bones. I can relate it to my project becase my theme is things in its natural habitats. Buried bones and artifacts in a sense are found from their natural habitats andthat is basically what the whole video is about. It was a dillema wheter these bones should be studied or put back and buried with their ancestors. Although there was a lot of controveries, both the natives and scientists have learned a lot from the bones and most bones needed to be studied in order to put back with their right ancestors, therefore in my opinion, it is benefitial to study the remains.

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