Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog 3

1. The book states that color affects people on a basic level. It is defined by culture but also very personal at the same time. Color affect people more than we know or realize it. We are used to everyday things being certain colors and we don't really realize how dependent we are on that until things are changed, which is what the interactive demonstration on the provided website showed us. What would you do if you ran into a green stop sign? or had blue colored food. Certain things are certain colors for particular reasons. Colors have multiple meanings, "cool colors" are calming, such as blues, but blue is also used as supressing your appetite. Artists use color and its effects on emotions to their advantage and to express feeling through their work.

2. Color is used alot with psychology. I think this really is interesting that somehing so simple as color could help in such a big way. Color affects how people feel, think, what they do, and how they do it. Color can be used to influence peoples actions as well as making you feel certain ways. I just find that very fascinating.

3. At the end of the video, the woman finally got the colors she wanted to express her painting of Venice. She said that is the hardest part is getting the colors correct because her paintings are about feelings.She also stated that color is very psychological and has a lot of symbols and meanings. I thought that was important. Color is only one small aspect of a work of art but it means so much.

4. An important aspect I found important was about Goya and David. They both use feelings in their paintings and both are of sad and dark nature. This i believe coincides with my answer to number three. These artists, like June, take a lot of pride in the colors that use in their paintings and that is how they show feeling and depict emotion in their work.

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